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Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQs)

Temperature Sensor Specific is for the temperature measurement at some distance from the unit or in a harsh environment, such as salt water of fish tanks, oil burner, vaccine storages. Temperature Sensor Ambient is just for the ambient temperature. See full details by clicking on links for these sensors.
Please choose Temperature Sensor Specific and not the Temperature Sensor Ambient. Nevertheless, the term 'precisely' is relative when it comes to temperature. Accuracy is the same for both as you will see in their spec. With the Temperature Sensor Specific you will just be able to place the sensor in that particular point where you wish to know the temperature. You can find clarifications on this subject in the section 'I have a problem...' of this FAQ.
Absolutely! We provide solutions for that for many years. The best up-to-date option for remote vaccine storage temperature and power monitoring is our new Plug-and-Go iSocket with Temperature Sensor Specific. You can order both as a pack with a proper plan here.
You cannot go below -55C with iSocket temperature digital sensors, however you can monitor power interruptions to your cryostat and so you know that something bad happened. You do this outage monitoring by installing iSocket to any free wall socket that is on the same electrical circuit with your cryostat. For monitoring low temperatures inside cryostats you need PTC sensors and proper components cascade that can support such sensor, because such sensor is basically just a resistor. We use digital sensor and iSocket will only read that sensor directly. The lowest temperature of the sensors is -55C.
You can request the temperature anytime when the power is presented. When the power is failed the unit will sleep. There is a small battery inside the unit so you can't monitor the temperature all the time when no power. However, we expect a software update in the future where we will add a facility to monitoring the temperature in a smart way during power outages - you will be able to configure how often the unit should wake up to probe the temperature and thresholds against which it should probe it. When it breaks thresholds you will get a notification. This way the temperature can be monitored one or two days if wake up interval is reasonable (about every hour). Probably it will be longer, we don't know - we are testing this feature and it will be release in the future with no extra fee if you already have the sensor and essential temperature option in your plan.
Sie können mit Hilfe von iSocket die Klimaanlage aus der Ferne einschalten, aber nur, wenn die Klimaanlage einen Stecker hat. Die meisten Klimaanlagen sind direkt an den Sicherungskasten angeschlossen und haben eine Fernsteuerung, um die Temperatur zu regulieren. Sie können eine solche Fernsteuerung nicht an iSocket anschließen, aber wenn das Gerät einen Stecker hat, dann können Sie diesen an iSocket anschließen und die Temperatur Ihres Systems auf die gewünschte einstellen und es ausschalten (Abschalten der Stromversorgung mit Hilfe von iSocket). Sie können diese nun aus der Ferne vor Ihrem Eintreffen einschalten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Funktion vom Hersteller Ihres Gerätes nicht empfohlen sein könnte. Sie machen dies auf Ihr eigenes Risiko. Sie können sich Rat von einem lokalen Elektriker einholen, ob dieser ein iSocket Smart Relay für Sie installieren und in Ihr Klimaanlagensystem integrieren kann.
Ja, das kann eingerichtet werden. Und wir empfehlen den iSocket Environment Pro wegen seiner Präzision für Temperaturmessung für diesen Zweck in Zusammenarbeit mit einem externen, digitalen Temperatursensor.
3 Meter (10 Fuß) ist die Maximallänge unseres Sensorkabels. Sie können es verlängern, indem Sie qualitativ hochwertiges Alarmkabel verwenden. Bedenken Sie aber, dass ein längeres Kabel zu einem höheren Spannungsabfall und damit zu falschen Messungen führen kann. Wenn Sie nur benutzen, um die Temperatur zu überwachen und nicht für den Thermostat, ist eine kleine Abweichung der Temperatur vielleicht kein großes Problem. Es ist dennoch sehr wichtig, qualitativ hochwertiges Kabel und Stecker zu verwenden. Wie prüfen bei der Herstellung unserer Sensoren die hohe Qualität all Ihrer Bestandteile. Trotz der scheinbaren Einfachheit dieser Komponente ist dieses Produkt das Ergebnis einer Reihe von wichtigen Faktoren.
Certainly! We have a great feature we call iSocket® Historical Temperature Data. It allows you to collect temperature data at predefined intervals of your choice, view data on a graph, export data for a selected period. You'll find it under Temperature Data Loggers on your iSocket IoT Portal.
As for sensor calibration, this is a non-trivial issue. Calibration of temperature measuring instruments is generally not correct terminology. Why do we say so? You can find an explanation of this in the "I have a problem..." section of this FAQ. Please see the public links we provide there as well. Please also review some questions about sensor accuracy in this section. The sensor is accurate, but you cannot get a certificate from us. It makes no sense to do so-called calibration for things that cannot be calibrated in principle. A so-called calibration must be done for a specific application compared to another temperature sensor that you or your auditors trust (or better say "like"). It also doesn't make sense from a regular calibration point of view, since you can't ship the units to us and we can't come to you. Starting with firmware v.2, we provide the ability to add a calibration value through your iSocket IoT Portal on the temperature monitoring widget when you click "Settings" (you will see a note "Update required" in case you do not have the correct firmware and you can update it first). Thus, you can contact any laboratory that you trust or that your auditors approve and discuss the matter with them. They may regularly come to you (according to your local policy, regulations or requirements) with instruments they think are good and tell you the deviation from current readings (in degrees Celsius in 0.1 increments). You must enter this value into the calibration settings and show them new readings. They will then confirm the new readings and you are considered audited / calibrated for a period defined in your requirements. The sensor will not show data worse over time. It cannot degrade, it can only break. However, your auditors may disagree and even tell you next time that you need to recalibrate. This is the whole non-triviality of the issue - that calibration is a "manipulation" of indications for inspectors.